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Here are some some common questions our clients have. If this does not answer your question please contact us.

Your microbiome is a complex community of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live in and on your body. Think of it like a neighborhood; in your neighborhood, different people specialize in different things. Without plumbers, it would be hard to get running water. Without grocers, it would be hard to get food to your house. Just like your personal community, your microbial community works together in order to keep their neighborhood (That’s you!) happy and healthy.
Your microbiome is a complex community of bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live in and on your body. Think of it like a neighborhood; in your neighborhood, different people specialize in different things. Without plumbers, it would be hard to get running water. Without grocers, it would be hard to get food to your house. Just like your personal community, your microbial community works together in order to keep their neighborhood (That’s you!) happy and healthy.
Your microbiome has been around for millions of years. In fact, it has evolved alongside us since before we were even humans! When you were born, your mother’s microbiome was passed down through the secretions of her birth canal. Some of the bacteria from these secretions got into your mouth and colonized your gut! This has been happening to every human ever born. In fact, this step is so important that babies born by C-section host more harmful bacteria unless a swab of secretions is given to them.

After you are born, your microbiome is heavily influenced by the milk you drink. Breast milk has evolved to provide children with the microbes most essential for their survival. It contains a diverse range of microbe species and nutrients specifically made for these gut residents.

For the rest of your life, these microbe populations are adjusted based on the plants and animals you spend time with as well as the different foods you eat.
Absolutely! Your microbiome is not simply something that exists because it is convenient for the microbes; your body depends on them for essential nutrients and metabolism. For example, they make B vitamins and assist in the metabolism of carbohydrates like fiber. Gut microbes have even been known to communicate with our brains using neurotransmitters!
There are a lot. A lot. So many, in fact, that we have 3 times more microbial cells than human cells. That's 100 trillion microbes in and on your body all the time! Even more interesting is the fact that in addition to the 20,000 documented human genes you possess, your microbiome brings its 2 million documented genes along with it. It may even be the case that your microbial genes have an equal or greater impact on your body than your inherited genes.
Your microbiome is special because you can change it. Unlike genes, which are unchanging throughout your entire life, your microbiome reacts to external influences that you can control. Simple changes in diet can dramatically alter the composition of your gut microbiome. If you learn about the organisms inside you, that can enable you to make well-thought-out decisions about your eating habits. If a pathogenic microbe is camping out in your gut and making you sick, maybe a change in diet could help eliminate your problem. Only with the right information is it possible to make informed decisions about your health.
It’s simple. First you order your test. This will send you the correct test kit for testing the microbiome you wish to test. Once you receive your test kit your follow the simple instructions that are includes for collecting the sample. Once collect you return the kit to us using the included shipping label. Once your sample is sequenced we will notify you to log into our secure portal to view your microbiome and learn more about what it means to you and your health.
The process is very similar to testing a human’s microbiome. The test kit includes all the instructions on how to complete this test.
While it is best to take several samples throughout your home, it is often best to start with a place you spend a lot of time. Whether that is your bedroom, your kitchen or your family room, this will give you a baseline of some of the microbes you are are exposed to on a daily basis.
Our secure portal will keep you up to date as your sample is processed and once your results are available. Throughout the process, you will be able to see the following states: - Sample Kit Shipped - Sample Kit Delivered - Sample Kit In-Transit to Lab - Sample Kit Received - Testing underway - Results Available While your sample is being worked on, feel free to reach out to our team at if you have any questions.
Mycrobiomes provides a tool for discovering all about the Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses and Parasites found that make up your individual microbiome. Remember a large portion of these make up part of a healthy microbiome. By detecting the population sizes and comparing that to a healthy individual you can see additional components of your microbiome that might be something you want to try and correct as well as a population that might be out of control.

Contact Us

665 Stockton Drive, STE 200 I
Exton, PA 19341

(855) 905-4343