Know your gut.
Own your health.

Hi, we’re Mycrobiome. Here, we use modern science to tell the tale of your body’s unique relationship with its microbial partners, giving you all the information you need to make the best decisions you can.

Test My Microbiome

Learn which microbes call your gut home! These microbes can greatly affect your health in a good or bad way; it all depends on how many, and what kinds of organisms live there. The Personal Mycrobiome Analysis sequences and identifies those microbes using the latest DNA sequencing tools. This gives you the best picture possible about what is going on inside your gut right now.

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Test My Pets Microbiome

Like humans, your pets' microbes greatly affect their overall health and well-being as well as your own. Your pets' microbiomes are frequently spread throughout your home and your body, especially if you love to show your animal friends some close contact affection. Understanding these microbes is just as important as understanding your own microbiome.

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Test My Environment

Your surroundings have a big effect on your overall health. Understanding the bacteria, fungi, virus and parasites that you cohabitate with can show you how improving your environment may help alter your own microbiome. And of course, a healthier microbiome has the potential to improve your life.

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Why It Matters

Your microbiome does more than you think, from managing digestive health to influencing your brain chemistry. Because your microbiome is so important, any signal it sends could be useful information to have. Unlike your genetics, which have been set in stone since the day you were born, your gut community is always changing and can be consciously affected by your actions.

  • Learn about the benificial bacteria in your gut
  • Learn about disease risks associated with your microbiome
  • Learn how medications and antibiotics affect your microbiome
  • Make better healthcare descisions

How It Works

There are a lot of bacteria in your gut. For example, a single gram of stool can contain 3-9 billion bacteria. By using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), we are able to identify all the different kinds of microbes that live inside you!

Once your biological sample gets to our facility, we extract a special molecule called 16S rRNA which is present in simple microorganisms (but not humans). Since this molecule is similar to DNA, we can sequence it and identify and quantify the different microbe species that were present in your stool. Once you have that information, all you need to do is look at our microbiome database to read the story of your gut!

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665 Stockton Drive, STE 200 I
Exton, PA 19341

(855) 905-4343